

Monday, 20 June 2016

Fear Fable 0: Urchiins

Fear Fable 0: Urchins - Inflator Playing with his blown up pet rat.

Illustration done in Adobe Photoshop.

Pacific Rim Kaiju Stomper

Here's my latest Kaiju design - Stomper who wreaks havoc by generally charging on all fours, using his array of horns to destroy whatever is in his path. Stomper also has lava like saliva dripping copiously from his mouth, which causes his lower jaw and neck to blaze. If need be, Stomper can spit his lava like substances at great speed and distance.

Illustration done in Adobe Photoshop.

Monday, 25 November 2013

The WarWolf Character Portraits

Here are some Character Portraits from my personal project 'The WarWolf.' Monster hunter Annabel Bloodworth, elemental creature Balera and the cosmic creator Tashian.

Please click on any of the images to enlarge.

Early Stage Concept Art

Thought I'd upload some shots of the early development stages for a Character Portrait of The WarWolf's Balera (finally piece will be up shortly of her) and a new piece for the first Madame Mercy (aka Prototype Miko), which of course is set within the Georgian Era.

Madame Mercy

 Balera work in progress

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Liverpool FC Warrior Football Concept Kits

Never have I been more intrigued than how Warrior Sports would go about creating the kits for my beloved Liverpool FC. There where mixed feeling about the designs that debuted for the 12/13 season and even this seasons (13/14) which have led me to my own personal designs; featured below.

These designs still use the Liverbird solely as the crest; with the twin flames on the upper back. The deconstruction of the Warrior logo on the shoulders represent a sword an shield concept, which also break up the colours a bit more of the kit.

Please click on an image to enlarge

Liverpool FC European Kits

This design is similar to my original designs; only with an updated version of the badge, which features the twin flames and five stars that represent Liverpool's European success.

Please click on an image to enlarge

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Fan made poster

Here's my own fan made poster i've thrown together based on the Avengers sequel - Age of Ultron, which comes out in 2015. Can't wait. Especially for how Ultron will feature.

Click on image to enlarge.

Note: I am not profiting from this poster in any way. This was made just for fun only.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Code of Honor Logo

From the Bushido X Series Code of Honor is the official logo for the ultra-violent manga series (which I hope to get all 3 episodes published online very soon).

Click on an image to enlarge

Code of Honor

Code of Honor

Football Kit Design

Here's a series of football concept kits I designed a while ago. As you can see, certain players have moved on from some of these respective clubs, but hopefully in time, I can design some new ones.

Please click on a design to enlarge

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Kaiju Category 5: Stomper

Here's my latest Kaiju design - Stomper who wreaks havoc by generally charging on all fours, using his array of horns to destroy whatever is in his path. Stomper also has lava like saliva dripping copiously from his mouth, which causes his lower jaw and neck to blaze. If need be, Stomper can spit his lava like substances at great speed and distance.

Illustration done in Adobe Photoshop.

Click on image to enlarge

Kaiju Category 5: Stomper

WarWolf Concept Art: Balera

Here's another piece of concept art. This time featuring Balera - An ancient elemental Nymph, Balera has been long the last of her kind, sleeping peacefully within vast forests where she can never be found.

Balera possesses the power to shapeshift and meld and control anything around her. Although her abilities allow her to meld with anything, Balera prefers to stay adapted to plant species, which not just give her additional energy, but the ability to be more agile, stronger and faster to whatever she is melded into. Staying fused with plant species also allow her to communicate easily to the limitations of her connections.

Illustration done in Adobe Photoshop.

Click on image to enlarge

WarWolf: Miegu the Necromancer

Here's an early character design/portrait of the WarWolf's first antagonist: Miegu the Necromancer. A fallen mortal who had his soul ripped into four and banished into random realms, they eventually reconnected, but only to unite Miegu's destroyed soul into a ruthless entity.

Illustration done in Adobe Photoshop.

Note: Be sure to check out some fresh character designs and other illustrations of Miegu in all his sinister glory.

Kaiju Attack: Category 5

Done this piece waiting for the release of Guillermo Del Toro's 'Pacific Rim' (eagerly anticipating the designs of the Kaiju) I thought I'd design one of my own (for the first time without any development; I just made it up as I went along) and the reaction this has had (especially on DeviantArt) has been quite remarkable.

This Category 5 Kaiju is known as 'Whiplash' simply because of the threat it has; wielding its huge tail like a whip.

Illustration done in Adobe Photoshop.

Click on image to enlarge.

Kaiju: Whiplash